The ProCoach Success System

Create the life you REALLY want. February 2017 Issue  
"What Successful People Do!"

Dear Success Seeker,

What is the difference between successful people and unsuccessful people? I like the definition given by Jeff Olson in his book The Slight Edge. He says, "Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do."

That answer contains a lot of truth but it also raises questions. What exactly is it that successful people do that unsuccessful people don't do?

First a clarification. In my world, 'success' is not measured by external factors like money, fame, power and recognition. These elements may be present, but true success is an internal experience - a feeling of genuine confidence, fulfillment and inner peace. The successful person is someone who can look in the mirror and feel proud of him or herself, regardless of external circumstances.

Here are five major differences I've noticed between people who experience success in their lives and those who don't.

1) Take Full Responsibility
Successful people take full responsibility for everything in their lives - the things they do, the results they get and even things that happen to them that appear to be beyond their control. Unsuccessful people are masters at finding ways to blame other people or circumstances to justify their failures. If you don't accept responsibility for everything in your life, you are like a cork floating in the ocean with no power to create life the way you want it.

2) Discipline & Delayed Gratification
Unsuccessful people avoid discipline at all costs. They believe they are entitled to freedom and self-indulgence without taking any responsibility for the long-term consequences of their actions. This leads to total disaster. They spend money they don't have, thus creating consumer debt that destroys their freedom and limits their future. They eat what they crave and avoid exercise, then suffer the pain and limitations of poor health. They live lives of irresponsibility and self-gratification, then wonder why they why they are not successful.

Highly successful people are clear about their goals and dreams. They intentionally live their lives in a way that takes them towards their objectives. Their engrained habits of self-discipline and delayed gratification allow them to act spontaneously at times without experiencing serious negative impact.

3) Be True to Yourself
Every person I have met has desires deep in their heart; a life they feel called to live. Unsuccessful people ignore the calling of their own heart. Essentially they sell themselves out. As a result they end up living lives that are not their own. Being true to yourself means listening to your heart and making choices that align with your values; making decisions that take you towards the authentic life that is calling to you.

4) Take Action
Bring to mind the successful people you know and you will quickly realize that they are all action takers. The 'unsuccessful majority' sit around dreaming and talking about the great things they are going to do, but they rarely follow through on their ideas. Instead they procrastinate, allow themselves to be distracted by unimportant things or spend their time planning instead of doing. The world belongs to those who take consistent action day after day, week after week and month after month.

5) Get Outside Your Comfort Zone
Consistent action will get you to the top but there is a way for you to get there faster. The fastest way to accelerate your results is to do something to advance yourself that is outside your comfort zone. Successful people realize this. They decide what they want and then take action towards it even when it scares them.

Of course the problem is that going outside your comfort zone is, well, uncomfortable. Since unsuccessful people steer clear of discomfort they avoid stretching themselves and then wonder why they fail to create the lives they want.

In closing, let me return to the initial premise of this newsletter. Successful people do things that unsuccessful people are not willing to do. The question is, what do you want out of life and what are YOU willing to do to get it?

To your success!

Andrew Barber-Starkey, Master Certified Coach
Founder and President, ProCoach Success System

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Andrew Barber-Starkey is a Master Certified Coach residing in Vancouver, Canada. His coaching program, the ProCoach Success System, is designed for entrepreneurs, small-business owners, self-employed and commissioned sales people who want to double their income while simultaneously doubling their time off within 3 years.

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